KAMIMODEL and more:
The paper
Engineering is an art for visual communicators and artists.
practice can display continuous forms paper, working with ratios,
symmetries, scale and manipulate the size of two-and three-dimensional space.
While practicing and perfecting the fine motor skills,
grown in abstraction and creativity, discovering and appropriate figures themselves.
"A magician is able to convert the sheets of paper birds"
The packaging is becoming the final years in the reference axis of innovations,
that is experiencing the market for consumer products.
The launch of new products is ongoing. Release strategies in attempts
that innovation covering all aspects of the product, do not forget the packaging is
first contact the customer has with the product.
packaging design has shown its versatility in recent years to go
adapt to social needs, economic and technological, so that
has become a
indispensable factor to optimize the object-user.
Today, the Packaging must act as part of the competitive world of marketing
, becoming a vital tool in communication strategies.
Origami is the Japanese art, also known as origami. Literally translated
ORI / folded, GAMI / paper.
is a precise art form of matching edges and make folds to create
figures of all types, from simple to complex imaginable.
most popular objects are animals, flowers, stars, boxes and two-and three-dimensional geometric figures.
The transformation of the paper, is achieved by following steps of universal symbols diagrams,
starting from a base geometry (usually square).
Pop Up is generally recognized term to describe any book, card or object that contains figures
three-dimensional paper, or any interactive element such as flaps or tabs
made with paper.
These books "magic" that lurk within its covers two-dimensional
magnificent structures and mechanisms, have become popular in recent years, but have a very ancient origin.
For the formal characteristics of the mechanisms Pop Up, achieves motion effects,
depth or image processing, can unfold and refold