Monday, December 27, 2010

Outdoor Garbage Can Ontario Canada

Kingdom of Aragon. New look blog

me share with you the video of Aragon TV that made the occasion of the declaration on TV3, Catalan Public TV, that was a peak Aneto Catalan. Oregon's program was a musical parody mimics Serrat and Peret, who as Catalans give his version. We share it. It's great. Indeed ANETO DESPITE THE WHAT THEY SAY THE CATALAN ... Aragon is

Canta Serrat has assembled a hullabaloo,
from a few days ago with neighbors
much protest. It


Aneto say that it is Catalan, which is of Huesca
them know.

we were not United,
that actually never existed,
which was all of them,
goods and others.

must see that desire to have these people, now it is yours

arrample If you saw that, if anything yours
thought it was mine, is mine

Peret has already been armed breaks loose
have enfadao the Aregoneses
already been hell breaks loose
is much like scolding

The Aneto is LLeida
The Huesca Aneto
That is more than give
highest peak and the most distinguished He will be Catalan

Be generous
have to share things

Hold on Be not much desire for one's own fame and rusty

It is up to the other



Sale Ship In Monrovia

Me I had to do more at once to undertake a comprehensive facelift to my blog. As you see now imposed white and orange. I want to thank Manuel Muñoz and his friend the head of "With pencil and paper." For the record, I did not say anything about the colors you had to use.
He who knows me well knew that the orange color of Political Science, should be there. I like this new, more modern, more relaxed, more "" beautiful "?
is now only continue to keep the flame alive with the publication of opinion articles published in The Shire and personal reflections.
I hope this new image for times. Hope you like it.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Can You Burst Genital Warts


Occasionally I usually visit Oregon TV on youtube to see video clips made by chic @ s of Lobomedia.
I wish you a Merry Christmas, hoping that the crisis in this 2011 comes to an end. Meanwhile, I do share in this video of the Scorpions Oregonians.
As always great.
Merry Christmas.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Britishmotorcycle Helmet Standards

Music TV No Smoking is only

This is the phrase that appears in entries in all public and also placed all over the walls of our beloved City. One of those little signs are placed just outside the plenary hall at the door giving access to the room where all the pictures of the Mayors of the recent history of Alcaniz. That is
salts plenary hall and you find yourself, sulking, with an explicit ban on smoking.
Well this seems to matter to our Senator and Socialist spokesman at City Hall, who just outside the debate on the state of Alcañiz last December 9, began to smoke in the consistory, in view of all present and just below the little sign of yore, that sends eggs. Perhaps he is above the law?
Law 28/2005, which is currently in force, it is very clear and considered misdemeanor smoking in places where there is an express prohibition. And it is punishable by fines between 30 € and 600 € depending on the degree of noncompliance. I said that smoking in the municipality and under a banner will be high degree of failure especially when the offender a few months ago approved a new Anti-Tobacco Law, right? But we continue to refine responsibilities.
Our Mayor also has a responsibility as it is recognized as a serious offense to allow smoking in places where it is expressly prohibited, and this is typified with fines between 600 € and 60,000 €. Summarizing
the First Deputy Mayor, by the offender, should pay 600 € for smoking in the City Council and Mayor, by permission, should pay € 60,000 for allowing it.
€ 60,600 would receive the competent authority, ie the City, and could enable a provider charges, finally, what is owed and on top of the money allocated to actions against youth smoking for instance, that never hurts.
All this I witnessed: a smoker who had a "monkey unbearable" after three hours of debate, and went outside to smoke Hall accompanied by as many smokers.
I even dared to comment loudly invoking the explicit enforcement of the regulations, adopted in 2005 by deputies and senators.
They despise my words, they despised the Alcañizanos nonsmokers were there, flouted the law and the rule of law and a server told to "acascala." Is not it shameful? Of course, there are images.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Pension Annuity Survivor

A trip to Nottingham

EFDR has gone trip to the capital of the Midlands region of England (yes, the middle ground, but not for Tolkien ....).
Nottingham is a city known worldwide for being the scene of the incursions of the thief who stole from the rich to give to the poor, Robin Hood, the legendary hero of many stories and movies carries out its forays in these lands and took refuge in the nearby Sherwood Forest from his arch enemy the Sheriff of Nottingham, who resided in the castle that presides over the city at the foot of which today there erected a statue that reminds us of the legendary archer medieval

is a big fan of "football", not unless he could approach the City Ground, Nottingham Forest Stadium, the legendary British team won 2 European Cups:

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Dermatitis Confused With

The debate

was held yesterday in the city of Alcaniz-plenary debate on the state of our city. I wish that this column reflect the main findings of the debate, but have called it for 19:30, Thursday afternoon I facilitated the work of face to make our assessments of that right. As these lines a summary of the actions of different political forces represented in this Hall.

But I do not think you need to know what our Councillors have grounds to realize the different views that have the councilors of different political groups. Some extreme positions and to some extent irreconcilable been entrenched along an entire legislature. Where the opposition has failed to reach agreement with the government and the government has sought the support of the opposition. I am convinced that

Alcañiz to IU and PSOE is a bucolic town where everything works perfectly, where they have solved all the problems Alcañizanos, with reference city participatory, social and economic in Aragon. As an economic good as saying in an ironic sense, I suppose I understand.

PAR and PP for the city have become a devastated city where the Red in the city government has destroyed the values \u200b\u200bof living together and meaningless indebted to the session. IU and PSOE opposition parties have been guilty of lack of development of our city.

Nothing new under the sun. I just hope that the debate has been moved suggestions for improvements to the city, but not for this term to the next. That the debate has started talking in key future and not only passed key.

Because people spend but parties should be. The ideological line of each of them must be what it would strengthen the town of Alcaniz. Should move away from the fighting over personal than ideological. In a difficult financial situation within a complex socio-economic situation should generate ideas rather than political bitterness much with so little visibility. Something

utopians are my thoughts. Utopian in the same models as the city that all parties have submitted to the debate. It takes more common sense.

Friday, December 10, 2010

How To Raise Money For Managed Futures

happy Screening / Short Film screening (Bogotá)

Hello! My short film "Voices in Time of Me" will be presented at the Third International Film Festival art for children to be held from 12 to 19 December at the Cinematheque District (Cr.7 No. 22-79) in Bogotá, Colombia.
75 short films will be screened from 25 countries, and the presentation of my film will be on Sunday 19 at 9:30 am!
Admission is free;)
! My short film "Voices in Time of Me" Will Be Presented at the Third International Children's Film Festival to Be Held from 12 to 19 December at the Cinematheque District (Cr.7 No. 22-79) in Bogotá. 75
Will Be screened films from 25 Countries, and the presentation of my film Will Be on Sunday 19 at 9:30 am
More information (En Inglés):

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Ken Burns Effekt Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5


Today I've done with the "Oracle manual and art of prudence 'of the Aragonese Baltasar Gracian. For those who say that in my life I've only read a book I can correct them when they want the myriad of books I've read. Of these I have obtained a concrete learning.

These weeks have seen plenty of comments to me. Of those who will never be able to say it to their faces and hide behind the anonymity afforded by a nick in the press of Aragon.
have much value. The value must be the only justification for attacking my family and me on a personal level. Many arguments weight to talk about my personal condition.
pleased that I have slowly been getting into a land more cumbersome. The would like to these "defenders of freedom" that is in force the Law of Vagrants and Crooks for a server had been arrested and shot at dawn.
Thank God, or whoever, things have changed for the better in this country. And all that is considered as a disease at this time in the world is Homophobia. I mentioned in a previous post.
comments all they do is place ashamed, embarrassed to be more specific. Finally make a mistake, a mistake that will lead them to court. I will not rest until you get to know who you are. Where are you hiding.
So far we are to talk to, who is the person who passes information about me. There has been so difficult. Very soon arrive to you with a smile I'll tell you what you have to say? and possibly scare you out running.
're nothing but a poor devil to whom life has dealt him with little love. See you soon.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Slow Mouse As It Approaches Edge Of Screen

Breaking the Silence

This is one of those times when you sit watching a blank screen, head of the same color as the screen that has ahead. I do not know if it's the boredom that causes me the arrival of December, or by an accumulation of feelings and nonsense, but I'm one of those times when you think it best to shut up.

If you have nothing concrete to say publishers should publish the column space blank, signed by the author, because the silence is also a form of opinion. This week would have been better to leave the column blank but the director sure I would be accused of sloth.

When the head is made a mess and the heart is a knot, another possibility would also publish a jumble of letters, reflecting a bit that awful feeling of helplessness and frustration something like this: rdb agidaw ckjicagmc oyebaqeb lcfbgugcqgj iqgica nj AGK dqonc ogidbamdqd mdwi iqs geqk manner UDW ebawmdba zebw aeb ld acaoodgd rdodv cvea ÓA taqeba and aag nefaqe oyhca rkcw deb or AECA ebaqeba wqfb gcicqol ea ba caqmda gqdbqueba to gmabbefeiex qqytuweh ineumog xk.

Although this seems a bit indecipherable, is lighter than a paragraph of any philosopher or less dense and more grateful sure to read any political discourse.

But back to the original topic, I wonder why writers do not enjoy the same license are painters or sculptors, which could expose a work-at once made in a hurry "with which to clipping critics and viewers wonder about leaving the galleries feel gross for not understanding the genius of the artist. In fact, many who make the review of those exhibits not only applaud the author's talent, but also seek some weird name to define its new evolutionary stage

Finally, if not obvious, I confess that today I felt encouragement to write, but I broke my silence to keep this appointment I have with readers, but serve to give me sticks to say so much nonsense.