I will not be me who says anything against Miguel Ferrer, Mayor of Teruel, as a person. I will not be me who takes a stand in favor of the RAP and the most important thing I will not be I who judge the decisions that the 38 institutional offices of PAR has led them to leave the party, not me responsible for that work. While I have a hard way to express position between understanding and rejection.
said that I would like to make a series of reflections that serve many, if not all, political parties.
Each day is more apparent disaffection on the part of citizens toward the parties. Those that were created for organizations in the defense of the freedom of citizens have become the enemy to beat them.
What is that? Probably has a lot to do the position they have been taking them. Today, instead of being a platform for lobbying and power has become an association of friends who act collectively and unethically in defending their own interests.
The party is not the militants, but the party members. And those who have the responsibility to exercise the power of the barricade himself in his own personal convictions rather than the common good.
Any business organization that boasts not allow people working on it vilified the brand that has taken so long to build. We could not understand that those responsible for Nestle or Coca-Cola acted in a manner contrary to the values \u200b\u200bbuilt brand.
But not with the political parties. People with institutional charges, it should be due to the party rather than their own interests. The political party should be used to generate a struggle of ideas and not people, in which the responsibility lies in making the organization bigger and more powerful not the person.
personal actions, in politics and business, carry an abandonment of the values \u200b\u200band principles underlying the organization.
PAR Referring to the content, which should create a position and a deep ideological debate is not led by large institutional offices of government. Not be customized at any time the Party's activity in a style Weberian charismatic leader. The President and the Secretary General and the entire structure must be addressed to serve the Party and not the party to serve the "charges". Ultimately must return the debate, which can be very hard but always governed by the principles described will be enriching.
Perhaps the PAR customization has led to the discomfort of the charges, but the only solution is to regenerate the debate, down to the street and stay, to return to origins. Is because Alfredo José Angel and two become primus inter pares and most important: they must communicate all actions important decisions, etc.
Following these guidelines can be hopeful future and whether the organization is strong and transparent people can always be recoverable.
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