
Almost nobody will remember this young candidate of the Communist Party of Spain in 1976 was presented to Parliament for the province of Teruel. A youth with a Galician accent, BA in Political Science and who during his student years was a landmark in the fight against Franco. But he if he remembered everything Teruel and he lived during the election campaign in our province. That young man was
Enrique Curiel, who left us last March 2 after five months of fighting against a devastating cancer of the colon.
I was fortunate to meet Henry in my years of college. Professor Curiel was one of the few teachers who encouraged you to take the rifle into the classroom to defend the interests of students, was the one who was always willing to listen, to have a coffee and thought-provoking.
remember his untimely calls to propose bringing people of different ideologies, during my last time as a faculty delegate.
A smiling Curiel Galician accent always got dupe, thanks to his great oratory ability to mobilize students to attend the most diverse conferences.
Thanks to him I met Josep Piqué talking about internationalism, I shared a table with Patxi Zabaleta, former leader of the former Herri Batasuna and now leader of Nafarroa-Bai, who was talking about the challenges of Euskadi for a peaceful resolution of the Basque conflict.
This teacher-student relationship extended over time until the end of his days, when I was no longer a student at the School and was no longer my teacher. A brilliant professor inviting you to the ongoing reflection, an integrated policy which, unfortunately, there are not and a friend, a good friend. I remember a
Curiel on the stage of the School explaining the theory of Mosca's political class. How her eyes sparkled in asserting that the struggle for democracy and equality had managed to break the idea of \u200b\u200bpoliticians. Enrique
true to his mood had saying loudly: "Sirs, the political class no longer exists. But that does not mean that people engaged in politics have to miss class presupposes them. " Left
slope that coffee, erase the phone that I can not call back with a smile and remember all the good things I learned. Rest in Peace teacher and friend Enrique Curiel.
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