Monday, January 31, 2011

I Want Job Motoryatch

I am in the lobby are

My years of study, policy analysis and my expertise in communication led me to define a professional profile, complex, yet intense and full of good times.
At first raises many questions, not even me after almost two years doing the same thing I am able to define it clearly.
What do I do? At the lobby, trying to defend, represent and convince the government of the interests of private enterprise.
A little cloudy right? Nothing could be further from the truth. I am not someone to go with a check under his arm, or restrict the ability of political decision or members of the administration. I try to convince of the need to think about the private part of public regulation, recipients such as private and controls its development.
My job is to inform, persuade, advise sectors public about the needs of the private sector and vice versa inform clients of the limits of the proposals they want to take to "public." Some
productive sectors over economic performance often seeks an injunction in the legislation are not. Aid for the normal development of their business.
regulation, infrastructure and delimit their activities as necessary as complicated, at times, to obtain.
When a new project in Comunitega always try to understand customer needs, inform you that if you are looking for someone "traffics in its influence" in the wrong place.
But if you need to approach the administration, politicians and public to better understand the intricacies probably found a good office.
investigate, identify, recognize limits and, especially, negotiation.
all must win for the defense of private interests, because ultimately everything that makes each production sector has an impact on the Company. And because what ultimately governs the public sector ends up putting limits on the private sector.
always need a voice, and no large or small lobby economically, there is only have enthusiasm and desire to improve society.
Maybe it's a romantic but it is the best way to contribute to society. We are all important and we must all to approach the society.


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