Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Hannah Montana 3 With Translate

do not know if the statement issued by the Board of Governors of Town Hall me more ashamed Alcañiz hire or reward or punishment.
But what if I interpret the statement issued by the Board of Government of His Excellency. Alcañiz City Council is that they have a certain nostalgia for the past undemocratic.
Its members fondly remember the days when the Ministry of Information and Tourism information authorized or not. Those years in which the censors were the only ones able to decide on issues that were of public interest and how to express this information.
Some of these members, even, I would have liked a dozen "gray" to be sent to the Communications Group to prevent the County from fulfilling their commitment information for development Alcaniz and Aragon. Journalist Eva Defior
signed, not as editor but personally column "Gray Matter." While politicians abusing the privileged position granted to them by the Governing Board is used to pay off their personal interests. I am convinced that if instead of Eva Defior had been Perez-Reverte, who had been subjected to an official statement as smooth as they would have responded had been called "perfect shit."
There is a double standard in the Governing Board. Personally I had to hear from the Socialist spokesman and first deputy mayor insults and slander against me and my family in different Institutions and public events.
The Governing Board has disapproved the statements and harassment of the alderman graduated insulting to the family of a Alcañizano demonstrating a double standard. Now he says he feels humiliated and is supported by the Governing Board acting as the savior. No one at City Hall never failed this member of the Governing Board when pointedly insulted in public and private statements to those who think like him.
The double standard makes us that he has license to accuse, slander, lie, slander and persecute the halls of jobs, and also has a license to kill politically.
But he will not appoint more than to praise, not be scheduled more than to glorify Him, we know of him only to take it to the altar. He imagines himself above the human and the divine because it protects the Governing Board.
He decides that his friends have positions of responsibility. Can make judgments of any kind to any person. He believes God, with the consent of the Board of Gobieno.
I'm not applauding the work of the press censorship and undemocratic, nor I have any interest in listening to insults and lies of a government body to a free citizen. Censorship
The council claims a journalist published in an information medium in which signs his name. The City would not know the rules of the democratic game and does not understand what the work of the media. Maybe seek ideological references in China, Venezuela or Cuba, for example, but do not have there good examples of press freedom.
for the government team comes under freedom they can do whatever they want while the poor people are silent, award and applaud all their actions.
I'm not willing to be a puppet to act without the critical capacity to applaud the demonstrated incompetence of the Board of Governors. I have not been educated at liberty to shut the lies that the national states in its statement. I can not stand the censorship, threats, slander that since some members City Council has produced this fact.
Because Friday was Eva Defior, tomorrow I can be me or any of those who work or cooperate with the district or in any way critical of the actions of our politicians. All my support for the journalist. Eva: "may take our lives but never take away our freedom."
call us "puppets." I want to point out that anyone, at any time, has forced me to write these lines. Never in my five years of collaborating, I have been told about what issues should or should not write. It is only fair to defend freedom.
should ask members of the Governing Board of Alcañiz few media offer young people the chance to train, to learn to write, to learn to communicate. What should be proud of serving their professional insult.
I request a correction of the statement issued by the Board of Governors. I demand that the Board of Governors, as a citizen of Alcaniz, a reproof to the First Deputy Mayor for insults and defamation against Alcañizanos discharges.
The Governing Board of Alcañiz not make these statements. The Governing Board will give me Alcaniz, by its silence, the reason.


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